Friday, February 11, 2011

rolling with the flow

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain ~ Philippians 1:21~

When Paul wrote Philippians, he was so in love with Christ that while he was living, every minute was devoted to the gospel of Christ, and he was excited about his earthly death because he would go to be with Christ. What if we as Christians lived our lives this way; how different our society would be.
I spoke with Perry Gaines last night and he informed me that Honduras might be a no go because airfare has jumped from $600 to $1500. We are looking at other avenues to try and decrease the airfare cost of Honduras however, that might be easier said than done. He told me not to worry though because regardless, we would still be going on a mission trip. We are also working with our connections in Costa Rica and Jamaica in order to determine which will be the most cost effective between the three. As excited as I was about going to Honduras(not to say it isn't completely out of the realm of possibility) I am just as excited at the prospect of going to Costa Rica or Jamaica! The way I see it, we just have to roll with the flow and believe that God will make a way and have us go where we are most needed. Wherever we end up, God's love is still going to be shown and His word still preached. Whether it be in: Honduras, Costa Rica, or Jamaica. I am praying for God's leadership and guidance for our team as we try to hear his voice in determining where we are supposed to go.

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