Monday March 21st, 2011 at 10:06 am weighing in at 6lbs. 10 ounces and 19 inches long. Elyse Sophia Anderson(Elly) entered the world. For those of you who don't know, Elly is practically my niece. Kristin and Jenny are the children of my parent's best friends but we all consider each other family. Because of the age gap there is between Kristin, Jenny and myself, they have always been 'big sisters' and mentors to me. At a young age, I began referring to them as my big sisters and it just sort of stuck and has been a hard habit to break so I don't even try anymore.
Kristin is married to Jeff and on Monday March 21st, they welcomed their beautiful baby girl Elly into the world. We were getting constant updates and finally pictures from the family ALL day long. My mom and I went to the hospital yesterday and met Elly for the first time and our hearts were immediately filled with love for our precious baby girl. My mom and I kept saying over and over "we have a baby!" It is so surreal to see my big sister have her own daughter and I cannot wait to see the amazing mom Kristin will become. I also cannot wait for Elly to grow so I can teach her things and give her advice the same way Kristin and Jenny did for me. Welcome to the world Elly!